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Matthias von Herrath, United States

Vice President and Professor
Global Chief Medical Office
Novonordisk and La Jolla Institute

Dr. Matthias von Herrath is committed to clinical translation of immune-based interventions in autoimmune and metabolic diseases, the latter in particular being an exciting emerging field. His expertise and main strength is working at the interface of experimental research to interpret and refine early phase I/II clinical trials in order to optimize strategies for phase 3 trials and drug approval. This comprises translation from various animal models as well as human organoid models to human interventions, optimization of immunotherapies and their relative ranking, assessment of combination therapies, development of biomarkers as primary or secondary outcomes, induction of antigen specific tolerance in autoimmunity, regulatory cells and clinical T cell assays. Matthias von Herrath is Vice President and Senior Medical officer at Novonordisk and Professor at La Jolla institute.

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